Well today Aubree had her 2 month checkup and yes shots:( She was not a happy girl so yes all the pics. are from before she got them!!The doc. said she's doing great and to see her in 2 more month's for more shots which I'm sure she'll hate!
I cant believe shes already 8 weeks old time is flying by so fast.She now weighs 10lbs she's getting so big!!She's now smiling alot .here's a Pic. of her smiling it took me and her uncle Josh forever to get it but she so cute!!
Well this year we had a great Halloween!Jathan was a Pirate and Aubree was a little pumpkin they were so cute!!we had tons fun!!we went to this Halloween party at Casey's church (Matt's Girlfriend)they had all kinds of games and those fun jumpy things Jathan loved it!Then mike took him out around town to get some candy which I've put a really big hurting on!!Here are some cute pictures
I cant belive its already been a month!!Time is really going by fast.She already weights 8lbs 10ounces.Its hard to belive that she's not even the same weight yet as Jathan was when he was born crazy!!Well the Doc. said shes looks great will have to go back in 2 weeks to have another checkup!