Here Is picture of Aubree when we were leaving the hospital.Look how small she use to be.Well I cant believe how fast this year has gone by.My little Baby girl is already one how crazy is that!!Let me tell you what a great personally she has!She always has a smile on her face ...well most of the time anyways!She's starting to say so many new words.She's got most of the dogs names down and of course Granddaddy well they don't sound so clear but we know what she's saying for the most part!Well she just loves to dance!Jathan has been teaching her lots of moves!Her new Favorite thing is going outside she just Love's to play out in the yard she would stay out there all day if we let her.Well we went to the Doctor for her year check up and let me tell you what a fatty I got on me hands she weighs 27 lbs and 31 inch's. long .Yes she's a big girl.Well she did not like her shots this time around she threw a little fit I felt so bad for her.Well here are some Pictures from her Birthday party